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Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Quote from joen :It's an alpha actually. Which doesn't really mean a thing anyway. It doesn't say anything about the quality of a product. Look at nKPro, it's at 1.0.3 or something and it's a pile of crap.

Like it is with most software you buy. You don't own your Windows either, you own a license which entitles you to use it. Ofcourse they own the game, it's their creation. Name me one commercial game where you actually own it.

That actually speaks more in their favor than against them. Do you have any guarantee that you can play an EA game online untill the end of time? Furthermore you're stretching enormously.

Okay, you say:

Quote :Like it is with most software you buy. You don't own your Windows either, you own a license which entitles you to use it. Ofcourse they own the game, it's their creation. Name me one commercial game where you actually own it.

Perhaps you are a little confused here. Windows is an operating system, not a game. In fact, any PC manufacturer that calls his computer an "MSDOS-PC" and uses Windows as an operating system must pay initial royalties to Microsoft. Those royalties are included in the license that MS issues with Windows.

But I presume that you are not aware of the law that the EU passed last year. In essense, the new law on software says that any software sold in Europe has to be sold as "open source". In other words, the software developers have a legal obligation to surrender the source code to the buyer. LFS included. In that sense, yes, you own the software.

That was debated in an EU court against Microsoft, for which MS developed the new operating system, Vista.

For this reason I said that if the LFS developers get in a legal jam with the EU laws, we might be out of all our investments in LFS.

Okay, here:

Quote :That actually speaks more in their favor than against them. Do you have any guarantee that you can play an EA game online untill the end of time? Furthermore you're stretching enormously.

Sorry to disagree with you, my friend. I have owned Flight Simulator since it was developed in Champaign, Illinois, at the University of Illinois back in 1996. A company was formed after the developers graduated from the university and named it Sub-Logic until Microsoft bought them out and introduced FS4 in 1993.

I have all the versions of Flight Simulator clear to FS2004 and I have been able to play them all online without having to pay any extra money.

In case you don't know, there are many online networks for MS Flight Simulator, the largest are Vatsim ( and IVAO ( Vatsim has about 80,000 members and IVAO about 60,000. I have been a member of IVAO for 6 years and before that I was a member of SATCO which started back in 1997 using FS4. IVAO was formed in 1998 and Vatsim in 2001.

If Microsoft goes belly up, we can still use Flight Simulator on those networks. They are completely independent from Microsoft. We can't do that with LFS.

My point is that what comes on the CD (or downloaded) I should be able to to use even after the developers dissapear. This means, yes, until the end of time.

Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Quote from PaulC2K :RE: Yanks and their US Dollar making LFS rather expensive...


We (Europeans) frequently get screwed over compared to the American market, key reason being astronomical Tax to be fair, and the 1 time you have to pay slightly over the odds and its like its 'OMG can you believe this!!!'

This is a game/sim produced in europe, bend over and take it like a man

I don't think the question here is not how much or how. In this thread it hinges on your hatred for Americans. Why do you have to retort with hate when an American posts his views? You didn't say anything when the Europeans posted their displeasure with the price, did you?

To boot, the Americans have been supporting the additional money for the devs, in fact the person who suggested it is an American.

I think some of you folks should consider treating people in nicer ways.
Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Nope, that's out of the question.

This is the most expensive game I've bought and it's still a beta. Not only that, I really don't own the game, they do.

In reality we are leasing the S2 license. There's no guarantee that we will be able to use the license if anything happened to the developers. Remember that these guys are not backed by a larger corporation that would make good on their promises.

God forbid they died or got thrown in jail for violating any laws. We'd be up the creek. At least with other simulators you get to keep the rights to use the game, not here.

So, from my point of view, the $49 USD is all they should get. That's all I can afford to lose.
Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
That's what I thought.

Thanks for your help.
Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Welcome to LFS S2!!

Now, if you have a wife or girlfriend, kiss her goodbye and join the rest of the racing hermits. I guarantee you won't have a life left after today. If I had known, I would have warned you!

Again, welcome aboard.
Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Hey guys, I'm lost!

I've been trying to find someone to race with on this league but I can't find a schedule of races anywhere, not even on the website. Now I see some "results" published.

Otolikos, is this a secret league?


Using Joystick
Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Hi all,

I have a Thrust Master joystick which works very well on LFS. It has 8 buttons, a separate throttle handle, etc.

Is there a way I can map the LFS controls to use the throttle handle on the stick rather than pushing the stick forward? I tried the help files, etc with no success.

Thanks in advance,

Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Do you have a website, rules or anything we can look at?

Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
The immaturity of some STCC supporters is overwhelming!

Quote :like it or lump it...

Quote :go somewhere else...

I don't think we have to be rude to others who ask a simple question. I support STCC and I try my best not to be rude. I think some of you could try the same.

When we reply with a rude answer to someone who has no clue about this game we only show that our maturity is at the level of an 8 year old and our Intelligence Quotient (IQ for short) is lower than my bowling score (which isn't very high). :ouch:

So, be nice to one another and kind to newbies, explaining them what you have already explained 1000 times, in a welcoming way. Don't give room for anyone to call you a trouble maker, but be eager to help in resolving issues, that you may receive an award for promoting the spirit of STCC.

This is the best advise I can give you for now.

Have a great day folks.

Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Just visited your website and it looks great. It looks like you have many participants, which is excellent.

I tried logging to your server but it couldn't be found. I must have done something wrong. Where can I find the race schedule? Dates/times were not listed on your website.


Last edited by Indiana Jim, .
Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Why only 6 laps with a pit stop? That could be too short for pitting, don't you think? Perhaps 10 laps with pit might do better? That way the field gets scattered a little. An open league will get crowded quickly.

Do you have any rules that would sort out the kiddies from the serious drivers? It would be frustrating to be competitive on the edge and get rammed by some kiddie who doesn't know about braking or shifting gears.

The concept of an open league is good and interesting, nevertheless. But if it isn't regulated you will lose the support of the serious drivers quickly. You know what I mean.

Still, I would give it a try as is. It sounds promising. I'll check your website for dates/times. Thanks for your dedication to the sport. It's well appreciated.

Just my thoughts.

Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Quote from Fischfix :"honk for boobies!"

Haha... imagination at its best! I don't think we have too many boobies in this game, do we?

How about:

"The day the World Stood Still....
Live For Speed"


Where's the rule?
Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Ahhh........I see.

Well, without removing the "rule" for everyone, I am not sure it could be removed, not sure though, I guess this is a question for Becky to answer.

I'm a new racer and I have been reading all the STCC material and the rules and I can't find a written rule that prohibits driving with auto gears on. Where can I find it?


Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Hi all,

Just became a licensed member today. I thought I'd drop a line to say hi and to thank those S2 licensed who offered their help.

BTW, thanks to the developers for ruining my private life. I don't have one now.

See you all on the track.
Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Hi folks,

I'm a demo racer. I've been a demo racer for three months now. I agree with some of the views posted by Cr!t!calDrift but I have no serious complaints about S2 members. In fact, most of them have proved to be very helpful when approached for help. Many here share their knowledge, including their setups, with the newbies. And I happen to thank them when I race with them on the demo servers. I always do. I always leave the race saying "thanks for racing with me" even when I lose badly.

But I've had lots of problems with newbies and some not so new demo racers. If I happen to join a race and win over them, they get angry, call me names and crash into me. To all this, I never respond, it's a game after all.

I normally spectate a race before joining. First I want to see what type of cars they are driving and second, I want to see how they are driving. I am a clean racer, not too fast, but clean. If it looks like they are behaving somewhat, I join the race and wait in the pits for a restart.

In all my races only once have I bumped a fellow lightly when passing him and then I let him go by me to make up for my lack of skill. I don't think that's bad sportsmanship. But for someone to come looking for me after the race is over and wreck into my car for whatever reason, is not sportsmanship, they are simply bad losers.

I'll be buying an S2 license before the end of this week, hopefully to find some good folks to race with. I need to get out of the demos before I lose my mind.

Thanks to all the good S2 racers who have welcomed newbies like me into this game. It is well appreciated.

Kind regards,

Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :yes, if the host is running it (and i believe it cannot be a dedi host), then no problems will occur

Wow! Does that work on demo servers too? Is that why I see GTI's doing over 140 mph on demos?
Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
This is wild!! Ghosts live in the Twilight Zone. There's no time nor space!

But on the serious side, I've been playing this for three months now on the demo and I never knew of any ghost cars. Can you clue me in?


Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Thanks for the reply.

Nothing to be sorry about, banshee.

As with most leagues/teams an S2 license is required, and that's fine, but I would like to know what I'm getting into before singing up. I think that the rules/regs pages is a good place to start, unless I'm mistaken.


Missing page?
Indiana Jim
S2 licensed
Hi, I'm a new user and I thought of finding your rules and regs here. When I go to the suggested link: I get a "missing file" warning.

So, can someone direct me to find the rules/regs?

Thanks for your help,
