Hi folks,
I'm a demo racer. I've been a demo racer for three months now. I agree with some of the views posted by Cr!t!calDrift but I have no serious complaints about S2 members. In fact, most of them have proved to be very helpful when approached for help. Many here share their knowledge, including their setups, with the newbies. And I happen to thank them when I race with them on the demo servers. I always do. I always leave the race saying "thanks for racing with me" even when I lose badly.
But I've had lots of problems with newbies and some not so new demo racers. If I happen to join a race and win over them, they get angry, call me names and crash into me. To all this, I never respond, it's a game after all.
I normally spectate a race before joining. First I want to see what type of cars they are driving and second, I want to see how they are driving. I am a clean racer, not too fast, but clean. If it looks like they are behaving somewhat, I join the race and wait in the pits for a restart.
In all my races only once have I bumped a fellow lightly when passing him and then I let him go by me to make up for my lack of skill. I don't think that's bad sportsmanship. But for someone to come looking for me after the race is over and wreck into my car for whatever reason, is not sportsmanship, they are simply bad losers.
I'll be buying an S2 license before the end of this week, hopefully to find some good folks to race with. I need to get out of the demos before I lose my mind.
Thanks to all the good S2 racers who have welcomed newbies like me into this game. It is well appreciated.
Kind regards,